Fujitsu Launched New Company to Further Expand Domestic Business in Japan

New venture to strengthen partnerships with local governments, medical and education institutions, and the small and medium-sized enterprises in the private sector


TOKYO, Mar 26, 2020 – Fujitsu today announced that it will launch a new company combining its divisions in charge of business with local government, medical and educational institutions in Japan with Fujitsu Marketing Ltd., which handles second-tier private-sector businesses and small and medium sized enterprises. The move will enable Fujitsu to further expand its domestic business in the Japan services market, in which it holds the top share(1). The new company will launch on July 1st as a business integrator delivering high value-added services based on a robust customer base and Fujitsu’s leading-edge technologies.

This move will ultimately allow the Fujitsu Group to establish an even stronger position in the Japanese market, and accelerates the advancement of ICT in local governments, medical institutions, educational institutions, and second-tier, small and medium-sized enterprise customers in the private sector. The new company will play a key role in accelerating the creation of new business while and efforts to resolve a variety of social issues confronting local communities.


Japan faces a wide range of social and structural issues, including a shrinking birthrate and an aging population, the threat of natural disasters, and disparities in economic opportunity between urban and rural areas. In order to solve these problems, Fujitsu has established a new, flexible company to promote its solutions and service offerings to local governments, medical and educational institutions, and second-tier, medium-sized and small businesses in the private sector.

The new company will aggressively promote cloud-first systems that support Japan, including government cloud systems, in order to dramatically expand the domestic business. The company will also remain committed to its existing package services business, including its municipal business solution “INTERCOMMUNITY 21 Series” and electronic medical records solution “HOPE Series”, which have long held the top share in their respective industries(2). Additionally, Fujitsu will expand SaaS offerings for its partners and develop application development support programs.

Fujitsu will create new business opportunities and solve a variety of local social and management challenges, leveraging its highly-skilled business producers to combine advanced technologies such as AI, cloud, and local 5G with optimized services. Moreover, the new company will also actively promote the DX (Digital Transformation) business, which is made possible by cross-sectoral data collaboration between the public and private sectors, as well as academics, leading to the realization of an ultra-smart society and attainment of Society 5.0.

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