Quectel published whitepaper ‘Why GNSS for eMobility must balance precision, price, power and packaging’


May 29, 2020- Quectel has published a new whitepaper titled ‘Why GNSS for eMobility must balance precision, price, power and packaging’. The paper details the challenges eMobility providers face in enabling vehicles such as eScooters and eBikes to be located in deep urban canyons. It examines why accurate location data will be vital in enabling the ride-sharing industry to comply with regulation to restrict eMobility usage on sidewalks and other areas.

The paper goes on to explain why adopting a GNSS module that offers a multi-constellation GNSS receiver with L1 and L5 dual band capability, significantly increases the number of satellites a vehicle can track. This capability, augmented by dead reckoning information, provides vast improvements to positioning in deep urban canyons and can achieve a 10x improvement in location accuracy.

Drive test data conducted on an eScooter in San Francisco by positioning solutions specialist HYFIX is included in the paper to demonstrate the enhanced accuracy offered by L1 and L5 plus dead reckoning capability. The paper also sets out how the Quectel LC79D is enabling the eMobility industry to harness the fusion of different sensors in a very small footprint at very low incremental cost with unparalleled accuracy.

“eMobility providers face substantial challenges when dealing with location in deep urban environments,” said Mark Murray, VP of Sales for GNSS and Automotive at Quectel. “First and foremost, customers need to be able to find the vehicle and cities need to have the assurances that these eBikes and eScooters are operated in mutually agreed locations. This whitepaper discusses the issues faced by eMobility providers and clearly makes the case on why the LC79D is the perfect solution for this market.”

Read the whitepaper here http://www2.quectel.com/l/467361/2020-05-15/djd88s