Taiwan Excellence’s “Stay-At-Home Economy” is Heating Up!

Smartly Fighting Against Both the Pandemic and Boredom


Taiwan -Mumbai- June 12, 2020- During the COVID-19 pandemic, not only are people having to take precautionary measures when they go out, but they are inevitably spending more time at home. During times like these, home fitness and DIY are two of the best activities for families to do together. These activities not only help people to stay physically active and thereby improve their immunity, but also add fun to life at home.

The Well-known brand Strength Master fitness shared to the global audience aobut the awarded cycle boxer

“Taiwan is a shining example of how to successfully contain COVID-19. Such success must be attributed to the cooperation of all citizens and industries, and the effective execution of stay-at-home self-isolation. We are more than happy to share how Taiwan implements stay-at-home self-isolation to the rest of the world and engage in any international cooperation that can benefit other nations.” said the Deputy Director General, Guann-Jyh Lee.

In addition to home workouts without equipment, exercise equipment can also be used to increase training intensity and enjoyment. Doctors are also recommending that when people exercise at home, they should pay attention to ventilation in their exercise space. Other advice includes making sure to stay warm after sweating and staying hydrated by drinking water to maintain better health and fend off disease.

Executive Vice President, Simon Wang also mentioned that we had broken the spatial limitations today, as part of the conference will take place at individual brand headquarters as if you were actually visiting these companies in person.

Taiwan Excellence has selected three award-winning companies, Strength Master, Victory, and the TBS Group, to demonstrate the latest home exercise trends in terms of cardiopulmonary, muscle strength, and intelligence benefits.

The cardiopulmonary function is fundamental to good health. Strength Master’s cycle boxer has an entire set of built-in interactive boxing games that can simultaneously train brain response and improve cardiopulmonary function. This adds more fun to boxing alone! Muscle strength training not only improves your physique, but also helps increase immunity. Victory specially invited the Olympic Weightlifting silver medal winner Lu Ying-Chi to do weight training on Victory’s shock-absorbing mat. This mat significantly reduces 37% of the vibration and 26% of the noise while lifting barbells. So, you don’t have to worry about bothering the children or neighbors while doing weight training at home.

And, what if you love cycling but cannot go out due to the lockdown in your country? The TBS Group has used smart technology to move cycling into your home. Power analysis is used to display your cadence, speed, and heart rate. Now you can train on your bike smartly at home and also burn fat effectively.

To fight boredom, home fitness is not the only option. Therapeutic craftwork and parent-child interaction are also trending upwards. According to domestic e-commerce vendors, the global pandemic has increased the sales of home living products by about 20%.

Doing DIY together can bring parents and kids closer to each other as well as making the home a happier and brighter place and Taiwan Excellence has many companies fit for this purpose. For example, suction cup hooks in colorful macaroon colors from FERRO-CARBON can safely and easily change the look of the kitchen or bathroom, and your mood without the use of drills or nails. What’s more, it’s educational to teach children the importance of storage by using the VAGO vacuum compressor to minimize the size of all the winter clothing. During the weekends, CSPS’s multi-function adjustable height roasting oven is a great helper for your home BBQ. What a great way to celebrate Taiwan’s zero new coronavirus cases!

Taiwan Excellence is collaborating with these six major brands to showcase to the world the growing ‘stay-at-home economy’ by using our intelligence and creativity. Taiwan’s products have demonstrated their cutting-edge qualities in this global fight against the pandemic and helped people to create a better home life even in trying circumstances. Let Taiwan Excellence be your best teammate in smart home disease prevention and the fight against boredom!


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