Secureye Introduced Contactless 6-in-1 Dynamic Thermal Face Recognition

A compact 5-inch device with the single-touch operation leverages deep learning algorithm


New Delhi, 29th June 2020: Secureye, a leading brand of security products with a history of 25 glorious years, has launched 6-in-1 Dynamic Thermal Face Recognition. The brand has always been at the forefront of developing valuable products to address the existing challenges. The demand for “contactless” screening devices is on the rise amid the profound impact of COVID-19 across the globe. 

6-in-1 Dynamic Thermal Face Recognition has specialized Temperature Measurement Module Imported from Japanese. It comes with Hisilicon CPU for fast processing speed, Single Touch Operation functionality and Wide Dynamic Function. The device relies on Deep Learning Algorithm to perform facial recognition within 1 second. Today, it is critical for corporate as well as other organization to ensure the health safety of their employees, and in the most secure manner. Keeping this in mind, Secureye has stepped up to offer 6-in-1 Dynamic Thermal Face Recognition.

The other notable features of 6-in-1 Dynamic Thermal Face Recognition machine are multiple verification modes, fingerprint Identification, alarm system, log capacity of 5 lakh units, and body temperature detection. It can measure the temperature from a distance of 30-80 cm. In case of any anomalies in the body temperature, the device flashes a warning sign and also blows an alarm to alert the concerned authorities.

Spokesperson said “Health safety has become critical today. Secureye is developing devices that could help corporate or even individual consumers to cover all aspects of verification on employees/people before welcoming them into premises. Combining the verification devices with temperature measuring technique has become a new norm to promote a safe work environment. Going forward, there will be more innovations in this aspect.” 

The device supports 1920 * 1080 Pixels coloured camera, 9 LEDs and can automatically adjust the brightness according to the ambient illumination. For communication, the device relies on TCP/IP & WIFI and has Advance Feature Support. 6-in-1 Dynamic Thermal Face Recognition is a powerful device that can perform facial recognition in the daytime (within 3 meters) as well as in night time (within 1.8 meters). It can also do identify subjects with different face angles, including left profile, right profile, 20o up or 15o down. The device can operate flawlessly within the humidity range of 20% ~ 80%.

The product costs INR 40000/-