Engineers Look to Mouser for Wide Selection of ST Products


Mouser Electronics, Inc., the authorized global distributor with the newest semiconductors and electronic components, is an authorized global distributor of solutions from STMicroelectronics (ST), a global semiconductor leader serving customers across the spectrum of electronics applications. With over 12,000 ST products — including more than 1,000 development kits — in stock or available to order, Mouser offers a wide portfolio of the newest ST solutions, adding new products every day.

Delivering enhanced performance and enabling extended battery life, ST’s STM32WB wireless microcontrollers support Bluetooth 5.0, Zigbee 3.0, and OpenThread connectivity. The microcontrollers incorporate a 64 MHz Arm Cortex-M4 application processor core and an Arm Cortex‐M0+ network processor core, plus a 2.4 GHz radio transmitter optimized for low power consumption and high RF performance. The STM32WB microcontrollers are deal for a broad range of Internet of Things (IoT) applications, including wearable devices, home security products, smart lighting, fitness and medical devices, industrial appliances, and asset tracking.

ST’s Acoustic Vehicle Alerting System AutoDevKit is a scalable evaluation solution designed to help engineers create a system to emit vehicle warning sounds and alert pedestrians to the presence of electric drive vehicles. Built around an ASIL-B-qualified SPC582B microcontroller that monitors and controls a Class-D FDA903D power amplifier, the solution lets car manufacturers and OEMs offer a customized sound thanks to a flexible sound generation solution, which can simulate engine sounds using WAV audio files.

The STEVAL-MKSBOX1V1 is a ready-to-use development kit with wireless IoT and wearable sensor platform to help engineers use and develop apps based on remote motion and environmental sensor data, regardless of expertise level. The STDRIVEG600 is a half-bridge gate driver for gallium nitride (GaN) enhancement-mode high-electron-mobility transistors (eHEMTs) or N-channel power MOSFETs. The high side of the STDRIVEG600 is designed to withstand voltages up to 600 V and is suitable for designs with bus voltage up to 500 V.

Additionally, Mouser and ST regularly collaborate to produce engaging, informative content focused on the newest technologies. ST’s content platform on includes the latest information on ST’s leadership in applications such as wireless solutions and transportation through sleek eBooks, blog posts, videos and more.

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