China FAW Selected the Keysight’s Connected Car Test Solutions


SANTA ROSA, Calif., – Keysight Technologies announced that China FAW Group (FAW) has selected the company’s connected car test solutions to ensure the reliability and performance of in-vehicle and vehicle-to-vehicle (V2V) communications across Ethernet, eCall, cellular V2X (C-V2X), 4G, and 5G.

FAW designs and manufactures passenger cars and commercial trucks for a domestic market. FAW chose Keysight’s connected car test solutions to validate compliance of their designs to the latest 4G, C-V2X and eCall standards, and verify performance across the full protocol stack, from the physical layer to the application layer, including validation of radio frequency (RF) parameters.

“We’re pleased that FAW recognizes Keysight’s holistic approach to test, optimization and security, which was established via key acquisitions such as Scienlab, Ixia and Anite,” said Jay Alexander, chief technology officer at Keysight Technologies. “We are committed to supporting this dynamic industry with innovative technology that delivers advanced communications as well as sensor and energy solutions which result in safer roads for vehicles and pedestrians.”

Access to the latest 3GPP C-V2X Release 14 and 15 test cases through Keysight’s connected car test solutions accelerate development of enhanced connectivity. As a result, FAW and other automakers within a connected ecosystem can seamlessly evolve with the latest standards in V2V communications critical to delivering world class safety features.

FAW selected several Keysight solutions for V2V and in-vehicle communications, including the company’s 4G/V2X test solution for validating 4G LTE connectivity and location-based services; Keysight’s Virtual Drive Test Toolset, which combines channel and network emulation capabilities with data captured in the field enabling FAW to build virtual test routes in the lab; and Keysight’s automotive networking solutions that enable FAW to validate compliance to automotive Ethernet protocols.

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