Keysight, Credo to Deliver 800 GE Readiness and Interoperability Testing

Enables supply chain to validate the readiness of data center equipment in complex 800 Gigabit Ethernet environments


Keysight Technologies announced the company has collaborated with Credo to enable data center operators (DCOs) and the respective supply chain to validate the readiness of data center equipment in complex 800 Gigabit Ethernet (GE) environments.  

DCOs are moving towards 800GE to accelerate the upgrade cycle of switching silicon. As switching capacity increases, the physical interconnect links need to scale to 112G electrical lane signaling. This new environment produces unique challenges in which all network points must be tested, including 800GE capable port devices and interconnect.

The 800GE testing equipment is comprised of Keysight’s G800GE Forward Error Correction- (FEC) Aware and Compliance test system using Credo’s Active Electrical Cable (AEC) connectivity solution. The AECs are key to ensuring signal integrity for copper cabling lengths greater than two meters. Long reach capabilities are essential to connect the data center servers to a top of rack (ToR) switch.

“The move to 800GE presents DCOs and vendors in the supply chain with new challenges to validate chips, optical transceivers, or networking equipment port electronics,” said Ram Periakaruppan, vice president and general manager, Keysight’s Network Test and Security Solutions group. “The unique combination of the Keysight G800GE test system and Credo’s 800GE AEC technology addresses the interoperability challenges and enables the data center community to accelerate validation of 800GE devices and network infrastructure.”

“Keysight’s G800GE test system with 400GE/200GE/100GE per port fan-outs meets the performance and verification needs of 800GE interconnect and infrastructure,” said Don Barnetson, vice president of product at Credo. “It is very exciting to see Keysight leverage our HiWire LP CLOS AEC 800 in their 800GE test and validation platform. The performance of this AEC is not only enabling next generation hypsercale data center implementations, but is also a valued component of the infrastructure making those implementations possible.”

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