Rohm’s Sixth Notice Regarding the Influence of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19)


April 16, 2020- ROHM Group would like to express our sincere sympathies to all those who have been affected by a novel coronavirus and those who are difficult to spend a daily life due to the infection spread.

Below are the current situations of each ROHM Group manufacturing base.

1.ROHM Electronics Philippines, Inc.
The company partially operates under approval from the authorities in accordance with the government order.
Due to the government’s announcement on 7th April that the “Enhanced Community Quarantine” throughout the Luzon Island has been extended until 30th April, we expect that the situation of our operations continues to be limited for a while.
Address:Block 3 and Block 5, People’s Avenue,
     People’s Technology Complex Special Economic Zone, Carmona, Cavite 4116 Philippines
Main Production Items:IC, Sensor/MEMS, Transistor, Diode, Resistor

2.ROHM-Wako Electronics (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
The company partially operates under approval from the authorities in accordance with the government order.
Due to the government’s announcement on 10th April that the “Movement Control Order” throughout Malaysia has been extended until 28th April, we expect that the situation of our operations continues to be limited for a while.
Address:Lot 1320 Kawasan Perindustrian,
     Pengkalan Chepa II, Padang Tembak, 16100 Kota Bharu, Kelantan, Malaysia
Main Production Items:Transistor, Diode, LED

With giving first priority to the health and safety of employees, ROHM Group will continue to do our utmost to resume operations as soon as possible while having a thorough quarantine prevention system including temperature measurement, mask-wearing, and hygiene management.

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