Infineon Strengthens CO2 Reduction Efforts and Honors Green Leaders


Infineon Technologies AG is intensifying its collaboration with suppliers to further reduce CO2 emissions along the whole supply chain. Infineon hosted its first ever Supplier Sustainability Summit to further stimulate collaboration and incentivize and support suppliers to accelerate their decarbonization journeys. The virtual event brought together about 100 top semiconductor industry suppliers.

“In order to meet our ambitious targets, we need you, our suppliers,” said Elke Reichart, Member of the Board and Chief Digital and Sustainability Officer at Infineon, during her welcome message. “Infineon’s scope 3 emissions make up the lion’s share of our footprint, especially the materials we source from our suppliers. Therefore, we very much look forward to joining forces with you. Together, we can stimulate and implement decarbonization strategies even better.”

Collaboration with suppliers is a fundamental part of Infineon’s overall sustainability strategy. The company has already made significant progress on its way to reaching climate neutrality by 2030; since 2019 Infineon has halved its CO2 emissions (scope 1 and 2) while doubling revenue at the same time. In December 2023, Infineon added a commitment to setting a science-based target that includes the supply chain (scope 3). The procurement team is actively working with over 100 suppliers, engaging them to define their own sciencebased targets and implement appropriate reduction measures.